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Viewlight Automatic Lens Groover NH-800AT

Viewlight features a durable and high density automatic lens groover NH-800AT designed to reshape eyeglasses frames, any plastic, glass, or polycarbonate materials.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight Hand Edger Grinder NH-35

Viewlight features a durable and high density abrasion wheel hand edger grinder NH-35 designed to reshape eyeglasses. This optical manual lens grinder has a stylish convex design, compact frame and sturdy support.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight Automatic Polisher NH-900

Viewlight  offers  a smooth and high density automatic lens polisher equipment  NH-900 designed to polish and reshape eyeglasses frames or any polycarbonate materials.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight Electronic Heater NH-320

Viewlight offers a  user friendly and high-quality digital frame electronic heater NH-320, features a hot air blower used to soften celluloid frames and other similar materials.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight Electronic Heater RB-202A

Viewlight features a user friendly and high-quality digital heater RB-202A, which permits a forced air ventilation, changing the desired power with the insertion of one or two resistances and soften celluloid frames and other similar materials.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight Lens Drilling NH-3

Viewlight  displays a durable and high quality opposite taper lens drilling system NH-3, which precisely drills holes avoiding any chipping or breakage within the lenses.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight Ultrasonic Cleaner CD-4820

Viewlight features a digital safety ultrasonic cleaner CD-4820 designed ideally to clean lenses and other optical parts through its high frequency sound.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight UV Detector NH-518

Viewlight features a high quality UV detector NH-518 which measures the visible wavelength of UV display lens setting through anti radiation testing position and display light.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Viewlight UV Detector VL-51101-4

Viewlight displays a high quality UV detector VL-51101-4 which measures the visible wavelength of UV display lens setting through anti-radiation testing position and display light.  DOWNLOAD CATALOG