Viewlight-Haag Streit perimetry equipments are designed for glaucoma detection using a full advanced progression analysis and automated eye tracking examinations software.

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Haag Streit Perimetry Octopus 300

The Octopus 300 is a central 30 degree perimeter for anyone who wants diagnostic flexibility for analyzing, assessing and tracking patients’ visual fields. ***Available only in Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana***  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Haag Streit Perimetry Octopus 600

Viewlight-Haag Streit perimetry Octopus 600, is user friendly glaucoma detection device using a full advanced progression analysis, rapid screening and automated eye tracking examinations software. ***Available only in Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana***  DOWNLOAD CATALOG

Haag Streit Perimetry Octopus 900

Viewlight-Haag Streit perimetry Octopus 900, is user friendly glaucoma detection device using a full field static and kinetic perimetry, rapid screening and automated eye tracking examinations software. ***Available only in Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana***  DOWNLOAD CATALOG